
Here’s Why You Should Get A Car Wash Frequently

  You may spend a lot of time taking care of your vehicle’s needs—changing its oil regularly, making sure the tires are in good condition, etc. But do you spend time keeping your car clean? Getting your vehicle to a car wash may be a ritual you perform every week, or perhaps, something you only do once you see that your vehicle is covered with dirt. No matter which part of the spectrum you’re in, here are a few reasons why you should consider getting a regular car wash. Impeccable Appearance To start with; getting regular car washes makes your car look impeccable. Whether you’re driving to the grocery store, or to an interview, stepping out of a clean and shiny car can make for a great first impression. Keeping your car clean doesn’t have to be time consuming either—drive to your nearest auto wash and let them do the work, or simply give your vehicle a wash at home. Avoid Damage Believe it or not, the dirt, rain, mud, and salt that get attached to your vehicle are extre...

5 reasons for getting your car washed regularly

  There are so many people who spend a lot of time tending to their cars and washing them but they still fail to achieve the desired results; their car interior and exterior still remains shabby and worn out. The main reason behind this is lack of proper washing equipment as well as expertise that can give their vehicle that shiny and new look they want. Only washing the car body or changing oil or even replacing the tyres when needed is not enough; there is a lot more that goes into keeping a car in good shape. This is the reason professional car washes have become so popular and attract a large number of customers.   Professional car washes have become an important part of our lives now; we take our cars to a good car wash where the experts can provide the best pampering to the car it needs to keep you safe and happy. If keeping your car in good condition is your priority, then professional car cleaning should be something you should consider seriously.   This a...

Looking for the Right Time to go for Car Detailing? Watch out for these Signs!

  Figuring out when exactly does a car needs to be taken for detailing can be tricky. Auto maintenance requires a lot of work and one can never be too careful about it. While it’s recommended that you get your car detailed once in every three to four months, you should still know when the best time to go for it is. Many would argue that they get their cars washed regularly so detailing is not really at the top of the list. Well, there is much more to it than just routine cleaning and your car needs it to stay in mint condition. These are some of the signs you should be looking out for. Bad and Strong Odor This probably one of the first things that you would start to notice. A bad and strong odor that stays in the car and doesn’t go away no matter how much freshener or shampoo you use. Even if you are frequent about vacuuming the car and maintaining a good hygiene, you may still face this problem of a permanent bad odor inside. It is a sign that the machine requires detailin...

Why do I need car detailing?

  Car detailing is a process that involves complete and detailed cleaning of the interior side and exterior side of the car. Be it the body, tires, dash board, seat covers, carpets, windows and more, all are thoroughly cleaned out leaving the vehicle spic and span. Steps involving auto detailing Most car washes these days are automated for exterior cleaning however, for the interior side of the vehicle, manual aid is needed. The process begins with thoroughly washing the exterior of the vehicle using ample amount of soap and water, clearing the dirt and debris off of the tires and from the overall exterior body of the car. This process is usually achieved by passing the vehicle on an automated line over a belt with cleaning automated equipment and machines. Then the vehicle is left to dry out while the interior is cleaned using vacuums to eliminate the tiniest bit of dirt and dust along with disinfecting the inside space and cleaning everything thoroughly and completely. In t...

What is Auto Detailing?

Simply put, auto detailing is the process of making your car look and feel new again. It entails a systematic and thorough cleaning which ensures that your car is free of all the dirt and grime – both visible and invisible – and the exterior sheen is attractive enough to compete with any car right out of the showroom. But isn’t this what a car wash and cleanup does? Why call it auto detailing? Well, the difference between a regular car wash and getting your car detailed is about thoroughness. While a generic car wash service will definitely clean up your car and free it all of the visible dirt and even put in a new car freshener to make it feel nice, auto detailing does way more than that. What Goes Into Auto Detailing? The auto detailing process consists of two phases: interior detailing and exterior detailing. Let’s see what each is all about. Interior Detailing: Interior detailing consists of vacuuming the interior of the car thoroughly. Cleaning the windows, door jamb...

Do You Really Need A Professional Car Wash? Let’s Find Out!

Vehicle enthusiasts know the importance of a car wash. After all, they are keeping their investment and pride clean and shiny! However, many people DIY themselves around a car wash so they could save money. The question is, should you wash your car at home or hand it over to the professionals? In this article, we’ll enlist a few comparisons between a professional car wash and a DIY car wash to find out which one is the best choice for your car. So, without further ado, let’s get started! Your Time The first factor in washing your car at home depends on how much time you get to do it. Of course, a person who gets enough time should consider washing their vehicle at home. However, there are days when even if you get enough time, you don’t have the energy to do the laborious task that car washing is. In this case, it is better to take your vehicle down to your local car wash and have it cleaned professionally within a few minutes. Your Vehicle’s Safety When you have a DIY c...